
The case for AWS multi-org

Imagine a new AWS Organization that isn’t configured like your current organizations with workloads, Control Tower, Service Control Policies, and shared networking. An organization or organizations.

Remember you must die

Momento mori – A term I learned about when I started following and practicing (albeit poorly) Stoicism. It means, in short, ‘remember that you [have to] die’. Not only does it remind you that you, yourself are going to die, but that everyone around you is also going to die.

Delivery Day Field Manual for Dads

The one item I forgot to put in my recently written — ‘Survival tips for new or expecting dads‘ and it wasn’t until after I published it that I realized I had forgotten to include this important tip. Though optional, probably the most important of them all regarding the actual delivery of the baby.

Survival tips for new or expecting dads

A dear friend (basically a brother) recently informed me he and his wife were expecting their first baby. I’m very excited for them. I’m excited when any of my friends are expecting but this is unique. This is the first of my friends to have a newborn after I’ve had some experience. Still, I hardly have it together — but some experience.

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